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Sumi, the aspiring quantum physicist is mesmerized by the sub-atomic world, in particular how the shy electron manages to defy detection. She wants to make sense of how: ‘an electron’s location could be pinned down only when it was measured. Before measurement it was nothing but a probability curve of many possible locations. Some quantum physicists went as far as to say that an electron’s reality did not matter until the point when it was measured, that it did not really exist until someone tried to see it.’
As with the quantum world, so with ours. As with an electron, so with a book. For what really is a book but a possibility of a story, a story that doesn’t really exist until someone reads it.
Thanks to the amazingly thoughtful and committed team at Unbound, this little story is a step closer to coming into existence. We are done with copy edits and are going through early proofs, ironing out the last bits and adding final touch ups before it goes for print!
It even has a gorgeous cover, one that offers a window, or eight, into the lives and lights of Shantinagar.
I hope you will take a peek!
Kind regards,